The Great EsSkate


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Penny, Kim and Nancy at a rest stop on the  Friday night skate

This is our "Wish you were here" photo, we had a terrific time in Miami, a trip that was too short, but lots of fun.  The Great EsSkate attracted skaters from all over the world

The city of Miami, and Miami's Mayor welcomed skaters. What a terrific feeling to be welcome in a city.  Miami's Police department lighted up the day and night and escorted the urban skates through the city.  Besides the high humidity, the skates were relatively easy, no hills, and usually flat smooth streets to cruise.

Skate Patrol from all over joined forces with the Miami Police and halted all traffic at intersections, as cars piled up in lines waiting for the mass of skaters to cruise through.  A common intersection question we heard from motorist was, "HOW MANY MORE ARE THERE??"  We all smiled and waved, as the sidewalks filled with pedestrians in awe of the mass of wheels whirring by.

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Miami Police escort ( photo courtsey THIRSTYDOG)

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Kim and Penny

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After the Friday Night Roll, a Buffet Party was held at the event hotel, Nancy and Penny are checking out the "FAST" melting Ice Sculpture.
(Photo Courtsey Stephen Fisher)

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Nancy, Penny and Kim on the beach at Crandon Park

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Crandon Park Vendor's Row

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Filing back from the group photo, Kim skates in the blue shirt

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The Motor City Motion dance team from Detroit

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The Great EsSkate Group Photo on the Beach at Crandon Park
(photo Courtsey of Marie)
