Inline Skating In Portland Oregon and Beyond!

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Venice Beach Show Case

Hey Sk8ers

The show this year is Saturday July 9th

The theme is the last 100 years of Music, so it probably won't be too tough to find a song
to sk8 to.   We would like you to choose a well known song  from any genre.

Those of you that are planning to perform need to let me or Diea know ASAP.
our show MC has requested that you write a short paragraph about yourself
(include how long you have been sk8ing and where) and email it to .   And remember
we want costumes.  We have a small budget-but at least we have one-so we won't be putting
out a lot of our own $.  

Although we will be able to have a smaller scale show on Sunday 7-10 (no costumes or
tents) the actual show is July 9th.  It's a big, City sponsored Deal celebrating
the 100th Annivesary of Venice Beach
.  We will have tents, costumes and great sound.

I need you to co-operate and decide what you are going to sk8 to, what info you want
the MC to have about you and get all this to me as soon as you can.

Thanks,  Pam


Photos and Content Copyright © 1997-2005
by NLH Productions,  All rights reserved.
Please do not use any content without written permission 

Thank you, ~ Nancy Hartman

This website is a privately owned and operated as a resource for skaters in

Portland, Oregon and beyond.